
@Call for Papers



The scientific program will include plenary and keynote lectures and oral presentations as well as poster sessions. The symposium program will be categorized into the following four topics:


Fundamentals of Biocatalysis I
(Discovery of New Biocatalysts, Protein Engineering, Directed Evolution)

Fundamentals of Biocatalysis II
(Enzyme Structure, Reaction Mechanism, Bioinformatics, Metabolic Engineering)

Application of Biocatalysts I
(Bioconversion, Biorefinery, Industrial Process)

Application of Biocatalysts II
(Bioremediation, Biosensors, Application in Medicine)


Call for papers


1) Registration@Deadline: April 15 (Sun), 2018

@@@@@@@@ Extended: June 20iWed), 2018

Please send the registration form by E-mail as an attached file to the following:

Participants from Japan and other countries: Secretariat of the Japanese Society of Enzyme Engineering
Participants from China: Cheng Jin
Participants from Korea: Seung-Goo Lee

2)Abstract Submission@Deadline: April 15 (Sun), 2018

@@@@@@@@@@@@Extended: April 28iSat), 2018

Japanese and other countries participants should submit their abstracts by e-mail to Japan Society of Enzyme Engineering secretariat.
Chinese participants should submit their abstracts by e-mail to Professor Cheng Jin.
Korean participants should submit their abstracts by e-mail to Professor Yong-Hwan Kim.

Papers within the scope of the conference are invited. If you wish to be considered for an oral or poster presentation, please submit an abstract, referring to the provided template. Prepare your abstract in English and submit the abstract as a PDF file with embedded fonts. The deadline for abstract submission is April 28, 2018. To download the Abstract Template, click here (Word, 79KB).

Notes:How to perform PDF conversion with embedded fonts (For windows users) click here(pdf)


It is preferable that speakers are a member of Enzyme Engineering for each country. If you have an interest in the participation for the society, contact the secretariat.


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